Divisible cities October 31, 2023Simone Kurial[ Second place winner in the fiction category.] There is a city to the west built upon a peninsula of... Arts & Culture
Encounterings October 31, 2023Nina DjukicLately — and maybe always — I am bewitched by translation and etymology. Both imperfect, curious, spiraling. In their mouths... Opinion
This Date in UCSF History: Practicing Medicine Under Hardship October 31, 2023Synapse[Originally written by medical student Amy Ewing and published in Synapse on Nov. 6, 1997.] Last year I arranged to... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Celebrating the Day of the Dead October 31, 2023Synapse[Originally authored by pharmacy student Oliver Übeda and published in Synapse on November 1, 2012.] The ritual of Día de... Arts & Culture
My First Patient October 24, 2023Paul Brandfonbrener[Second place winner in the Synapse Storytelling Contest poetry category.] You told me you wanted to kill yourself, to drown... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Students Granted Political Asylum October 24, 2023Synapse[First published in synapse on October 22, 1989] Two Chinese dissident students, Hoy Yu Vi, 27, and Luo Jian Guang... Social Justice
UCSF Hosts First Ever 'Zine' Fair October 17, 2023Cindy OwIf you’re one of those people who walks into an independent bookstore and goes straight to the “Zine” section, you... Arts & Culture
Wormnado Takes UCSF Postdoc Slam 2023 by Storm October 10, 2023Cindy OwA riveting story told with humor and heart about the social behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans — affectionately known as worms... Science
Dear Giardia October 10, 2023Julianne Riggs[Second place winner in the Synapse Storytelling Contest nonfiction category.] Dear Giardia, It has come to my attention that you... Humor
Unfairly Adjudicated: Onward We March October 3, 2023Woodger FaugasWe’re not destined for defeat; thus is the song of our warriors! Proud in our minority skins, such is a... Social Justice
Increasing Access Through Telehealth: A Call to Action October 3, 2023Maggie BrownThe alarm rings: its 5am, and a new day begins But I’ve already been awake from the pain in my... Social Justice
This Date in UCSF History: Plaque Honors Human Rights Hero October 3, 2023Synapse[ Originally published in Synapse on October 2, 1980.] Social Justice
Loneliness in the Laboratory September 26, 2023Apisit KaewsanitOnce upon a time, in the bustling metropolis of Urbanville, there lived a remarkable young man named Mike. Student Life
Brain Science Breakthrough September 26, 2023Nicole KoutsodendrisEvery so often, new scientific discoveries can challenge established principles and change the way we think about the world. Science
This Date in UCSF History: Medical Students Organize for Abortion Access September 26, 2023Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on Sept. 23, 1999.] “Disgusting, isn’t it?” said one of the directors of the national office... Social Justice