Chinese Poems

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

过香积寺 - 王维


不知香积寺, 数里入云峰。

古木无人径, 深山何处钟。

泉声咽危石, 日色冷青松。

薄暮空潭曲, 安禅制毒龙。


Going Right Past the Temple of Accumulated Fragrance

Wang Wei


I can’t find the temple.

Several miles in, clouds and cliffs,

Ancient trees, no one on the trail.

Deep in the mountains  — is that a bell?

Just the sound of a creek, rushing

Down steep rocks.  Sunlight

Through cold pines, shades of dusk

At forgotten pond’s edge:

Meditation subdues the poisonous dragon.



寻隐者不遇 - 贾岛






Seeking the Hermit and Not Finding Him

Jia Dao


Under the pine, I ask the acolyte:

“Master’s gone for herbs, over there …”

A hidden spot, deep up in the hills,

Clouds are thick, no idea where.



访戴天山道士不遇 - 李白

犬吠水声中, 桃花带露浓。
树深时见鹿, 溪午不闻钟。
野竹分青霭, 飞泉挂碧峰。
无人知所去, 愁倚两三松。


Going to Visit Monk Dai but Not Finding Him

Li Bai


Dog bark lost in rushing water,

Peach blossoms heavy with dew.

I glimpse a deer through thick brush,

By a stream, listen for the noon bell:

Not a sound.


Wild bamboo pokes through blue mists.

Soaring springs cascade down green cliffs.

No one knows where he’s gone …

What to do?  Rest against some pines.