LRS Helps Students Maximize Their Potential
At Learning Resource Services (LRS), students can develop strategies to improve the way they study, organize, and even take tests.
“Students often find their way here,” said Peggy Ryan, director of LRS, a unit in the Office of Student Life, “when they want to maximize their learning potential in this academically rigorous and clinically rigorous UCSF environment.”
Every UCSF student is eligible to utilize Learning Resource Services, where students consult with a specialist in learning techniques to develop strategies customized to their strengths and designed to enable them to improve study skills, better organize study time, prepare well for exams and presentations, and use their memory more effectively.
In addition to individual consultations, LRS, at the request of the various UCSF schools, offers group consultations and workshops for students who study together.
These workshops are developed to address the specific needs of students within that school. Some of the workshops offered each year are:
- study Skills for the USMLE Step 1,
- Your Brain on MEPN,
- test-taking strategies for the NAPLEX,
- academic skills for the Physical Therapy Program (Parts 1 & 2),
“At all stages of education, students basically have to be able to do two things,” said Ryan. “They have to be able to learn and they have to be able to demonstrate what they’ve learned.”
Check out the LRS website ( or call for an appointment. Contact Peggy Ryan, Director, (415) 502-0319 or
Telephone: (415) 502-0319