Learning I am learning to live in the moment. To remain in the now. To indulge the joy of simply existing. March 4, 2025 Silver Alkhafaji Philosophy
Incendiary February 25, 2025Nick Fiorentino6 feet off the ground but 60 feet beneath the crown Philosophy
Life is Beautiful! December 3, 2024Bhuvaneshwari TatikondaThere was a time when I thought everything in the future was predictable. Then, there came a time when I... Philosophy
On a Cloudy November Day November 19, 2024Ziqian FengThe only way forward is inward and outward; Inward through the alleys of self-doubts and ill interpretation; Outward like arms... Philosophy
Human November 5, 2024Siddharthasiva Anbu RajanNot a day goes without me wondering about how messy an affair it is to be human. The emotional turmoil... Philosophy
The Thing October 22, 2024Jocelyne Fadiga[Third place winner in the Synapse Storytelling Contest poetry category.] They walked long and sinuous paths Alone on the roads... Philosophy
Untethered Hate May 21, 2024Siddharthasiva Anbu RajanEven the most callous version of me is not entirely comfortable with using the word “hate” in a mundane setting... Philosophy
Holy Resurrection May 14, 2024Nick Fiorentinopersevere years on end, to Failure’s amusement Impious Philosophy
Children of the Lost Patriarchy May 7, 2024Hannah WhitmoreWhat do you say to the fatherless ones on Fathers Day? Do you look them in their long-lost eyes and... Philosophy
Expiry Dates February 6, 2024Siddharthasiva Anbu Rajan“So, do you think that thoughts die like how living things do?” asked the Boy. The Man that faced him... Philosophy