Apropos Running March 11, 2025Nick FiorentinoTo all the recreational runners, or hobby joggers (and I use this term in a non-derogatory manner), who run not...
Incendiary February 25, 2025Nick Fiorentino6 feet off the ground but 60 feet beneath the crown Philosophy
Vernal Falls January 28, 2025Nick FiorentinoHave you ever noticed how a waterfall falls? Spirits of glacial spittle traverse towards the earth at different rates. Health
Tomato October 8, 2024Nick Fiorentino[Synapse Storytelling Contest second place winner for poetry.] Tomato /tə’mɔ:dö/ On Sundays like these, I’m paralyzed by curiosity playing psychic...
Holy Resurrection May 14, 2024Nick Fiorentinopersevere years on end, to Failure’s amusement Impious Philosophy
Crevasse February 27, 2024Nick FiorentinoOne day there’ll be a reactor meltdown. The seas will swelter in a vicious response Nature
Candle Man January 23, 2024Nick FiorentinoHis opulent flame burns with an optimistic flow, spurs pirouetting memories in a room that’s dim; Arts & Culture
Darkness December 5, 2023Nick FiorentinoNot the darkness that stars bathe in Not the brain illness that requires saving Arts & Culture