This Date in UCSF History This Date in UCSF History: Celebrating the Year of the Snake [Originally published in on February 7, 2013.] Welcome to the Year of the Snake! Snake is the yin to last year’s Dragon yang. That said, Snake does not settle for mediocrity, either. February 4, 2025 SynapseCampus Arts & Culture
A Haunting Story of Nature December 17, 2024Cindy OwThe idea of good and evil is pervasive in most of society. From fairy tales to modern day media, we... Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: Lunar New Year Facts and Lore February 27, 2024Synapse[Originally published on February 22, 1996.] Chinese New Year is a misnomer. The arrival of the same new year is... Arts & Culture
Candle Man January 23, 2024Nick FiorentinoHis opulent flame burns with an optimistic flow, spurs pirouetting memories in a room that’s dim; Arts & Culture
the mermaiden January 16, 2024Cassidy Phammy roses are yellow, as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden, Arts & Culture
Craft Making Meets Science At Artisan Guild Market December 19, 2023Cindy OwWhat does craft making and science have in common? Quite a bit if made by members of the UCSF community. Arts & Culture
Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’: a Masterful, Timeless Thriller (set in San Francisco!) December 5, 2023Cindy OwCall me old-school, but I love going to the cinemas. From as young as I can remember, my mom would... Arts & Culture
Darkness December 5, 2023Nick FiorentinoNot the darkness that stars bathe in Not the brain illness that requires saving Arts & Culture
Divisible cities October 31, 2023Simone Kurial[ Second place winner in the fiction category.] There is a city to the west built upon a peninsula of... Arts & Culture