UCSF Pediatric Transplant Picnic Seeks Donations
“Celebrating Our Children and Their Families” is seeking donations to cover the cost of its 17th annual picnic. The event provides pre- and post-pediatric transplant children and their families an opportunity to meet others who have undergone similar life-changing experiences, provide education as it relates to organ transplantation and have fun together.
The cost of the picnic is $7,500, and all the proceeds go directly to the children. There are no overhead administrative costs. Everyone who participates is a volunteer.
The guest list includes all of UCSF’s pre- and post-liver and kidney transplant children and their families, as well as health care providers caring for this patient population.
The event will be held Saturday, August 24, at McNear’s Beach in San Rafael. Last year, over 300 people attended.
All donations are appreciated and can be sent to Margaret Kosiba, Division of Transplantation, 505 Parnassus Ave., Room M-896, Box 0780, San Francisco, CA 94143-0780. Your donation can be made payable to UC Regents, earmarked for the Pediatric Transplant Picnic.
Our tax ID number is 94-6036493. We would like to thank you in advance for considering this request, and for your support of this program. For more information, please call Chris Mudge at (415) 706-1451.