15 Things That Pass for Normal Among PT Student... That May Seem Strange to the Rest of UCSF
- Watching people walk, and critiquing every possible gait deviation.
- Noticing someone’s posture before the color of his or her eyes.
- Exuberance over finding pants that are professional enough, but allow full range of movement and bending. Same goes for shoes.
- Working out during lunch, and eating during class.
- Demanding a stretch break every hour, as part of our professional values.
- Staring at everyone’s butt, to specifically evaluate pelvic drop and glute med strength.
- Having a modification for every gym exercise.
- Wearing gym clothes. all. the. time.
- Having two-hour conversations debating Nike’s vs. Asics.
- Flawless imitation of every possible gait.
- Having very strong opinions about canes, crutches and braces.
- Doing squats and balance exercises while waiting for the Muni.
- Launching into a laundry list of muscular imbalances when asked how it’s going.
- Lack of enthusiasm for the request of “a really good massage” from us.
- Being complimented on your body mechanics while giving CPR.