Social Media Says Congrats to the 2014 #UCSFGradDiv Graduates
“Congratulations to the #UCSFGradDiv Class of 2014! You are some of the best innovative minds in #SF & I wish you great success!” tweeted San Francisco Major Ed Lee on Friday May 23, as the last of this year’s graduates from the Graduate Division walked off the stage.
Every tweet and photo containing the #UCSFGradDiv hashtag was projected onto a white wall within minutes. It was an opportunity for graduating students to thank their mentors and supporters and for families and friends and even the mayor to congratulate the graduates, with a modern twist.
In keeping with the spirit of gratitude that permeated the day, students could tweet their own thank yous to Dr. Susan Kools, recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. The award was presented by the Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) and the Graduate Division Alumni Association (GDAA), represented by Jenny Qi, GSA Public Affairs Officer, and Dr. Adam Mendelsohn, PhD, GDAA President.
Audience members immediately Instagrammed the human brain Dr. Allan Basbaum pulled out of a Styrofoam box at the end of his address to the degree candidates. The human brain, he said, is an organ of remarkable plasticity, and we must pursue a lifelong habit of learning.
The social media wall is still on virtual display at, thanks to Jeannine Cuevas, Graduate Division Communications Director.