Take Healing to the Streets
The Do No Harm Coalition views the 2016 Presidential Election of Donald Trump as a heavy reminder that illness, injustice and mistrust exists within the fabric of our society.
As healthcare workers, we carry the responsibility and privilege to care for all those in need, no matter their race, ethnicity, gender identity, country of origin or documentation status.
This is a time to be bold, steady bearers of acceptance, love, resilience and inspiration.
Our role in the future is clear and it is necessary. We must firmly stand against bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia, and racism.
This requires playing an active role in making this country, that we love and serve, a diverse and welcoming place that protects the health and wellbeing of its entire people; one that acts as an empathetic, responsible member of the international community and cultivates partnerships to address illness and suffering affecting our greater human community.
In this commitment to health, we have the obligation to stand to protect the environment and climate that are so integrally tied to it.
We are called to fight for universal healthcare and public health-oriented laws and institutions that reduce income inequality and increase social mobility.
We must recognize the violence, trauma, and unequal burden of disease experienced by people of color, immigrants and refugees whom we serve, and advocate for their rights and well-being.
In this mission, we must look to work in solidarity with community groups to protect our structurally vulnerable patients and be prepared to participate in non-violent interruption of governing bodies or institutions that inflict harm on the communities we serve.
One way to do this is to stand in support of Black Lives Matter, White Coats for Black Lives, Justice for Mario Woods Coalition, Justice for Alex Nieto Coalition, Justice for Amilcar Lopez Coalition, Justice for Luis Gongora Coalition, Justice for Jessica Nelson Coalition, Frisco 500, SF Alliance, SNMA, NAHA, LMSA, LGBTQSA, Planned Parenthood and the North Dakota Water Protectors, among many others.
Our commitment to healing cannot be confined to our hospitals and clinics; but must radiate out to our streets, community centers and government offices.
Please join in this commitment — there is no more important time than now to take a stand and advocate for our patients, our communities and our values.