UCSF Partners to Equip Indigenous Groups
UCSF organizations are partnering up to get PPE and test kits to Indigenous tribal health groups, and they need the public’s help.
UCSF Do No Harm Coalition, HEAL Initiative and the Division of Hospital Medicine are joining forces with their tribal health partners in California, Navajo Territory and Lakota Territory to raise funds to buy and distribute masks, gowns, gloves, face shields and test kits for indigenous groups.
As of early April, Navajo nation has 241 cases with a 5% mortality which is much higher than national average according to the Giving Together at UCSF fundraiser website.
“U.S. healthcare expenditures to indigenous people’s health is the lowest per capita expenditure which means our tribal friends are poorly prepared for what lies up ahead,” states the website. “With your support, we can help them get ready. Help us get our partners properly prepared to take care of their communities safely.”
The fundraiser was launched on April 4 and has raised a little over $8,000 of its $100,000 goal.
The groups are working specifically with indigenous-women led organization Return to the Heart Foundation, which launched the Native CoVID19 Action Fund. Return to the Heart Foundation is assessing needs of tribes through tribal health organizations and community health clinics. The team has developed their own validated procurement chain for critical equipment.
The UCSF groups are also working with the Mni Wiconi Health Clinic and Farm in Standing Rock to provide culturally sensitive public health information to indigenous communities during the CoVID19 pandemic.
“Your generous tax-deductible donation will be put to immediate use to protect indigenous communities who are particularly vulnerable in this pandemic,” states the website.
The UCSF organizations are still on the lookout for indigenous groups that may be in need. If you are a tribal health organization who needs help, please reach out to Sarah@Return2Heart.org.