This Date in UCSF History: A Winning Candidate?
Originally published on March 1, 2012.
Anyone following the GOP Presidential primaries would agree that the story line thus far has been as stable as any daytime soap opera.
We really have never known who the front runner is: the Cain-train left before it could really entertain us, we have yet to see this “New Newt” that we have been promised, and at $100 dollars a pop, Rick Santorum’s sweater vests weren’t the best fundraising idea.
One consistent thing has been Congressman Ron Paul’s attempt at wooing America’s conservative base.
He is trying to achieve this by being candid and truthful about how America needs to correct itself in order to get back on track, a method deemed unorthodox by most politicians.
It is noteworthy that he is a graduate of Duke School of Medicine and was a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist delivering “over 4,000 babies” before running for Congress. Here is a refresher of some of his views.
He would fully audit and then put an end to the Federal Reserve, as he blames them for the loss of value of the U.S. dollar and would refuse to ever raise the debt ceiling.
He wants to extend tax credits to individuals and businesses for the use and production of natural gas vehicles.
He is opposed to the TSA (the people who grope some individuals at the airport), and along these lines he wants to guarantee that our intelligence community targets their efforts towards legitimate threats instead of innocent civilians through what he calls unconstitutional power grabs such as the Patriot Act.
And lastly, he would extend tax credits for any medical expenses and wants to limit the role of the Food and Drug Administration.
Among the other candidates, he simply doesn’t fit in, and that’s the beauty of Ron Paul. He draws support from younger crowds and is a social media favorite a lot like Barack Obama was in 2008.
Only 25% of Ron Paul supporters consider themselves Republicans, which can be the reason why in closed primaries he isn’t getting the conservative support like other candidates.
He boldly states in debates that we should draw back from any nation building projects anywhere around the world and bring our troops back home, a position that always draws little applause and many boos.
He stands by his positions regardless of what state he campaigns in, very unlike his opponents.
Never do we hear him caught up in any controversial social issue that often derails the other three, his focus is on what matters to the American people.
While many Republicans call him crazy and unrealistic, he continues to spread his message of limited government involvement and more personal freedom.
His views haven’t changed since his first presidential run in 1988 when he ran as a Libertarian, then again in 2008 and now in 2012.
He leads us to believe that he isn’t really running for president but using the opportunity to spread his message of liberty and limited government role in our lives.
Many speculate that he is setting up the platform for his son, junior Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul to continue the spread of this message for his eventual run for the highest office.
Make no mistake, he caucuses with the Republicans, is pro personal firearm, and against taxation by the government by most means, but his ideology strays in foreign policy more than any Republican or Democrat we have ever seen on the political platform.