
Humans of UCSF: Getting Real

Friday, March 17, 2017

“I always wanted to work with women and babies. I trained as a labor doula and volunteered at SFGH. On my first volunteer shift, I peaked into the world of midwifery and was enamored by it all. The first birth I attended was amazing. The moment the birth happened, I teared up; it was indescribable.

There’s something deep and profound about being at a birth, but there's also a kind of an impermanence about it. I'm there for a moment in time, but I'm not there that long. I fell in love with midwifery, so I applied for the midwifery program at UCSF, and now here I am. The program has been hard in many ways, but rewarding in other ways. The first quarter was harder, but by the second quarter I felt I had a handle on things. Clinicals have been my absolute favorite part of this entire MEPN experience.

I've had amazing patients, and I feel I've seen a lot during my rotations. It's helpful for me as well because I'm a hands on learner. Initially, it was hard to see the big picture and I just had to take it one day at a time. Now I'm getting excited about it — I'm going to take the NCLEX in a few short months and then learn to be a midwife. Now it feels real.”

Ebony McGilbra

Masters Entry Program in Nursing, Women's Health Nurse Practitioner, Certified Nurse Midwife Specialty