The Birds
Miles wind the mechanics of my feet,
counters and clocks to tally the movement of my toes.
I pace alongside psychiatrists and counselors on cracked cement
as their words like a foreign language
Instruct me to dance barefoot on glass.
I kick glitter,
shards of light swept up by the wind.
Beneath their glinting genius I toil with arms raised,
my feeble human hands failing
to grasp any note of understanding.
My words ring through air,
fall though sky, wrap around my strides.
Their ill harmonies weave through
glass shards underfoot to resonate,
discordant and off key.
I misstep, tallies subtracted for
each limb ungainly cut, scarred by the journey.
My eyes are blinded, cataracts resulting from
trying to read the sun.
My mind is veiled, and
I cannot hear encouragement
over ravens screeching in my ears.
They will shortly barter for my spoils.