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This Date in UCSF History: 10 Activities for Single Folks on Valentine's Day
Originally published on February 14, 2008. Valentine's Day, known as Singles Awareness Day to some, is a day for sickening amounts of Hallmark cards, chocolate, red roses and overpriced dinners.
With more and more people revolting against the commercialized holiday, Valentine's Day can be made into a reason to celebrate singledom; there are more and more things to do for a good time.
Here are some of the best ways to spend February 14 if you're lucky enough to be single.
1. Go to the gym. What?!?! Get your endorphin fix...and if that cute guy or gal is also at the gym tonight, you'll know he or she is probably available and single.
2. Channel Cupid and shoot stuff! Even an ounce of pent-up frustration won't be able to stand up against some therapeutic paint-balling. Gather a group of friends and shoot away. Any couples silly enough to show up to the field will have it coming.
3. Watch a zombie movie because nothing says Valentine's Day better than "Auuuuugh!!!" Actually, there are several movies opening on February the 14th. Jumper, an action flick by the makers of The Bourne Identity, promises to get your adrenaline running while Definitely, Maybe, a romantic comedy starring Ryan Reynolds, seems to be appropriate if you are in that sort of mood.
4. Un-Valentine's Day clubbing is the new trend. Get awesome deals and even complimentary chocolates at your favorite clubs and bars. For example, the Dirty Martini has $2 drinks on Thursdays. Chances are other fun-loving singles will also be out and about this evening,
5. While couples are fretting over getting into that four-star restaurant for a prix-fixe meal, you can rest assured that your wallet will survive the day. Go somewhere unpretentious with friends, so you won't be surrounded by couples. Another option is to invite friends over for dinner.
6. Make V-Day into Me day. Everyone needs love, and maybe you're overdue. Setting aside time for yourself is always a good idea and particularly appropriate on Valentine's Day. Whether you're single or not, this day is meant to be enjoyed, so go out and get that massage or eat your favorite flavor of ice cream.
7. The UCSF production of The Vagina Monologues is playing tonight. It makes for an awesome Valentine's evening whether you're with someone or not. The Vagina Monologues will be Thursday, Feb. 14th and Friday, Feb. 15th at 7pm in Toland Hall. Tickets are $8.
8. No matter who you are, you already have a Valentine. Show your appreciation to someone you love whether it's sending flowers to your mom, calling up your best friend from college or knitting a sweater for your Chihuahua.
9. Any thoughts of Valentine's Day should be eclipsed by the fact that this weekend is President's Day weekend. That means that you can make plans for an awesome three-day weekend. It's the perfect time of year for Tahoe, and you can pack it in and get several days' worth of fun on the slopes.
10. At the end of the day many of us are still students. We may have class or have to teach an elective.
Does your Valentine's Day look like this? Midterm Exam, Physical Exam Review at the Clinical Skills Center, MSP teaching session from 6-8 p.m. It's okay... this too is a meaningful way to spend the day. Really, it is.