Bio Medical Coders Wanted
Would you like to get involved with UCSF AI4ALL? The program is looking for people to help this year as lecturers, TA's, and more.
AI is a tool that can be used by anyone. And program organizers believe that it should be used to empower and benefit those in need. UCSF AI4ALL's overall aim is to nurture diversity and inclusion in AI by teaching AI to high school students from underrepresented groups, focusing on AI for biomedical applications.
This year, the 3-week program will be held virtually between Monday, July 11 and Friday, July 29. Applications will be reviewed during mid-April. Those interested, can complete our online form. Or they can send a message about how they’d like to help or questions to Tomiko Oskotsky at
Since 2019, 74 students have participated in the summer program.
They've learned about coding and machine learning; gained in-depth experience by working on their own research projects, and presented their research work in a final symposium with keynote speaker Daphne Koller in 2019, Marylyn Ritchie in 2020, and Olga Russakovsky in 2021.
An article about our program was published in February 2022 in PLOS Computational Biology.