All In a Day’s Work
Okay, here I am. I’m at my desk. Just me and my trusty little laptop. Posture is good, lighting is good, glass of water, happy-looking houseplant… here we go. Time to write. Write write write. Write a submission for the Synapse storytelling contest. So many ideas, so many thoughts! Let’s write ‘em down.
Type…. typetype
Hmm, okay maybe that plant doesn’t look as happy as I thought, should I water it? Yea, she needs water. And I should give the others a drink, too… here you go jade, monstera, cactus, pothos, string of…. Oof. String of pearls, you do not look so hot. Let’s get you some fresh soil….
Okay, back at the desk. Plants are happy, I’m happy. We even started a load of laundry. So now, let’s write. What do we got? I could write about the oddly anti-climatic experience of taking my qualifying exam…? Meh, no thanks, I’ve thought enough about that thing for the past two months. Ooo, what about mules?! Yes, like some sort of clever musing on hybrid species, beasts of burden and sterility… huh, maybe not. Ok, ok, what about June Gloom and Seasonal Affective Disorder? Like when an oppressive blanket of fog squashes all the warmth from your bones and thoughts and you forget what time or season it is? Speaking of… dang, it’s pretty sunny out today. And the birds are singing. I should be out there soaking up all that Vitamin D and euphony. Whoo yea, I can’t remember the last time these legs got some color. Let me just grab all my things and….
Alright, here I am. I’m in the backyard. Posture is reclined, lighting is bright, glass of water and a little snack. Here we go. Time to focus. I wonder if my neighbors can see me. They are probably like “wow, look at her! She is just typing away down there. What a creative!” I wonder if I can see any of them…? Oof, I can’t see anything except the sun. Yea, wait it’s actually super bright out here. Like blindingly. Lemme just grab my sunglasses…
Okay, I got hungry so I’m now in the kitchen. Cross-legged, La Croix in hand, salmon fillets are marinating. Sweet potatoes are roasting. Salad is tossed. Time to toss down some ideas. Mind just brimming with clever things to write about! Literally, my brain is an infinity pool of stories. And any moment now, a great one’s going to overflow and splash on down to the keys of my MacBook. Yup, I’ve got this beautiful blank Word doc in front of me and I’m about to go Jackson Pollock on it with all these ideas. But then again… perhaps food first?
Alright, back at the desk. I had the salad and salmon; I had the sweet potatoes. I even had the ice cream sundae I whipped up for good measure. I even scrubbed the baking sheet, loaded the dishwasher and wiped down the oven for God’s sake! My brain is literally bathing in Vitamin B and Omega-3 right now, neurons are firing, creative juices are surging through my veins. Let’s get this writing show on the road… wait? What’s that? Is someone calling me? Mom? Oh wait, no it’s the timer for the laundry. Be right back…
Okay, we did the laundry and gave mom a call. I told her how productive I’ve been, and she was so very proud. I’m in my bed. Posture is decidedly suboptimal, verging on supine. Chin is dangerously close to chest. MacBook is dangerously close to neck. Lighting is a bit dim… wow I guess it’s already evening? No worries, there is still so much time left in the day. Literal hours! I don’t need to turn on a lamp, all this electricity in my brain is going to light up the room! You go girl, burn that midnight oil.
…. Or maybe we just take a little break, let the big engine cool off for a little bit. Yes, maybe I’ll just rest my eyes, it’s been such a long day. Yes, maybe we just call it for now. There’s always tomorrow….