Journal Club: Biochemistry, Cell Signaling, Oncology, and Neuroscience. January 16, 2014Taylor LaFlamReviews of journal articles covering topics of Biochemistry, Cell Signaling, Oncology, and Neuroscience. Science
Journal Club: Structural Biology, Physiology, and Virology. January 8, 2014Taylor LaFlamReviews of journal articles covering topics of Structural Biology, Physiology, and Virology. Science
Journal Club: Neuroscience, Chemical Biology, Human Evolution, and Developmental Biology December 5, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Neuroscience, Chemical Biology, Human Evolution, and Developmental Biology. Science
Journal Club: Hematology, Virology, and Neuroscience. November 14, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Hematology, Virology, and Neuroscience. Science
Journal Club: Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, and Immunology October 31, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, and Immunology. Science
Journal Club: Recent research presented by UCSF students October 24, 2013Jenny QiPresentation: “Blurred lines in epidermal wounding but not homeostasis” Presenter: David Pardo. Paper: Page, M.E., et al., “The Epidermis Comprises... Science
Journal Club: Genetics, Virology, Immunology, and Pharmacology October 17, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Genetics, Virology, Immunology, and Pharmacology. Science
Journal Club: Wound Healing/Ions October 10, 2013Jenny QiPresentation: “Adding In-salt to Injury: Tissue Damage Detection by Osmotic Surveillance” Presenter: Carlos Rojo <(second-year BMS student) Paper: Enyedi B... Science
Journal Club: Stem Cell Biology, Immunology, and Physiology October 3, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Stem Cell Biology, Immunology, and Physiology. Science
Journal Club: Development/Regeneration September 26, 2013Jenny QiPresentation: "How to Get A-Head in Life: Rescuing Head Regrowth in Regeneration-limited Planarians" Presenter: Christina Hueschen, second-year BMS student Paper... Science
Journal Club: Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, Stem Cell Biology, and Cancer Biology September 5, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Cancer Biology, Neuroscience, Stem Cell Biology, and Cancer Biology. Science
Journal Club: Cell Death May 30, 2013Jenny QiWhy do we need (cell) death? Death is one of the most critical lessons we must learn in biology and... Science
Journal Club: Virology, Developmental Biology, Immunology, Public Health, and Cancer Biology May 22, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Virology, Developmental Biology, Immunology, Public Health, and Cancer Biology. Science
Journal Club: Cell Death May 8, 2013Jenny QiOf the three major categories of cell death, apoptosis is what we traditionally refer to when we discuss “programmed cell... Science
Journal Club: Microbiology, Developmental Biology, and Physiology April 24, 2013Alex GreerReviews of journal articles covering topics of Microbiology, Developmental Biology, and Physiology. Science