This Date in UCSF History This Date in UCSF History: Celebrating the Year of the Snake [Originally published in on February 7, 2013.] Welcome to the Year of the Snake! Snake is the yin to last year’s Dragon yang. That said, Snake does not settle for mediocrity, either. February 4, 2025 SynapseCampus Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: New Year’s Resolutions, Revisited January 8, 2023Synapse(Originally published in Synapse on January 6, 2011.) It is that time of the year when gym membership sign-ups are... Humor
This Date in UCSF History: UC Grad Students Strike December 11, 2022Synapse[Originally published on December 3, 1998.] Students at the eight other University of California campuses went on strike Tuesday, Dec... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: UCSF Observes World AIDS Day December 3, 2022Synapse[Originally published on December 1, 1988.] “Sometimes people just want to talk and it’s our policy never to hang up,”... Health
This Date in UCSF History: A Tribute to Harvey Milk November 28, 2022SynapseOriginally published in Synapse on November 30, 1978. Written by Andrew Zysman. Supervisor Harvey Milk was shot to death on... Social Justice
This Date in UCSF History: Staff Lose Holidays November 14, 2022SynapseOriginally published in Synapse on November 18, 1976. The employees of the University of California are receiving two paid holidays... News
This Date in UCSF History: We Need Affirmative Action November 8, 2022SynapseOriginally published on November 13, 1997. Last week the United States Supreme Court ruled that it would not hear a... Opinion
This Date in UCSF History: Anti-abortionists Threaten Family Planning Funds November 1, 2022Synapse[Originally published on November 7, 1985.] Local family planning agencies and prochoice groups are concerned about a move by congressional... Social Justice
This Date in UCSF History: Don’t Forget to Vote October 24, 2022Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on Oct. 30, 1986.] It may not be a presidential election year, but next Tuesday’s midterm... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Mystery Surrounds Radiation Exposure Readings October 16, 2022Synapse[Originally published on October 15, 1987.] Synapse has learned that sometime last July three UCSF radioactive waste disposal workers’ radiation... News