Regulating Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing vs. The Right to Know
For about $100, customers can have DNA from their saliva analyzed by the genetic testing company 23andMe for hundreds of...
Panel to Address State of the DTC Genetic Testing Industry
The letter arrived in November. It was a cease-and-desist from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) addressed to...

CROs Offer Expanding Jobs Opportunities for Postdocs
For postdocs in the job market, contract research organizations (CROs) represent an emerging and welcome opportunity. As research becomes increasingly...

From Test Tube to Kitchen Table: OBR-Bay Debates GMOs
With the global human population in excess of 7 billion, some feel that meeting our growing food needs will require...

OneStart Life Science Entrepreneurship Competition Comes to the Americas
The OneStart Americas competition, a partnership between Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable and SR One, the venture capital arm of GlaxoSmithKline, officially...

Experts Weigh In On Gene Patents
Last summer, the United States’ Supreme Court decided that patents held by Myriad Genetics over the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes...

It Takes Two: Academia and the Drug Industry (Part III)
The number of new drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration per billion dollars spent by the drug...

Student-Run Podcast Takes Science to the Airwaves
Connecting with the public has always been a challenge for scientists, especially when they are trying to motivate the next...

It Takes Two: Academia and the Drug Industry (Part II)
The number of new drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration per billion dollars spent by the drug...