Tell Your Story: How to Stand Out During Your Next Job Interview
Breaking into a new field can seem daunting, especially since academic training rarely prepares trainees for anything beyond the tenure...
Investing in Science: When Scientific Expertise Pays Off
Without doubt, people don’t go to graduate school to make money. On the contrary, graduate students master an art of...
Peer-mentoring helps postdocs and graduate students build meaningful group connections
Human beings are social animals. We thrive when we belong to a community of like-minded individuals who support and endorse...
Is there life outside of academia? UCSF MIND program helps graduate students and postdocs break into “alternative” career fields
Academics sometimes joke that their training resembles the Ponzi pyramid scheme. This joke may ring too close to truth for...
Students and postdocs with children: How can UCSF help?
All good things in life come with a price. Children are not exception. According to a recent report from the...