Primary Care
Our first visit nearly brings you to tears. I hand you a diabetes diagnosis. One full point too high on...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
As we continue to celebrate the beauty of spring and explore the different Earth Month events around the city, it’s...

Listen to the rhythm of the Bang bang bang, To the sounds and the dance of this Din

Been drifting along A sea of green. Been free to be, to breathe, to dream

The (Graphic) Art of Medicine
Medicine may seem an unlikely subject for comic books but think again. The UCSF Library recently kickstarted its inaugural Graphic...

Once I Climbed a Hill
Once I climbed a hill And looked down with triumph at what I had done. I saw sands stretched long...

Down, down I follow the sounds Of waves and winds murmuring Against the rocks

'Get Boosted'
“Get boosted.” That was the resounding message at UCSF’s final COVID-19 town hall of 2021 on December 17. All eligible...

There are moments where you will find No past Or present Or future. Only eternity; An instant that stretches on...