This Date in UCSF History: Black Caucus Battles February 20, 2022Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on February 28, 1985.] The UCSF Black Caucus began a month to the day after the...
This Date in UCSF History: Guard Affirmative Action February 12, 2022Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on February 24, 1983.] Come with me on a brief journey into the not too distant... Social Justice
This Date in UCSF History: 10 Activities for Single Folks on Valentine's Day February 7, 2022Synapse[Originally published on February 14, 2008.] Valentine's Day, known as Singles Awareness Day to some, is a day for sickening... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: The Legend of Lunar New Year January 27, 2022Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on January 31, 2006.] Every year in January or February, when the last page of the...
This Date in UCSF History: Fix UC Thinks Big With Tuition Proposal January 24, 2022Synapse[Originally published on January 26, 2012.] An innovative, student-directed solution to the UC budget crisis was proposed last Wednesday at...
This Date in UCSF History: Worst State Budget Crisis Ever? January 10, 2022Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on January 14, 2010.] California has another budget crisis. This should be no surprise to anyone...
This Date in UCSF History: New Year's Resolution, Moderation January 6, 2022Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on January 10, 2008.] For many people, ringing in the New Year is synonymous with setting... Health
This Date in UCSF History: Haight-Ashbury: From ‘Free Love’ to ‘Speed Kills’ December 4, 2021Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on December 2, 1993.] David E. Smith, MD, founder and director of the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinics... Health
This Date in UCSF History: Doc Recalls Pre-Roe v. Wade Horrors November 21, 2021Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on November 21, 1996.] Before 1973, the year Roe vs. Wade guaranteed women the right to... Health