Synapse: September 17, 1964
From 50 Years Ago:
Vol. 9, No. 1; Sept. 17, 1964:
The brief article “Medical Student Wives to Greet Newcomers” catches the eye for its reflection of a markedly changed student body—one with far more women and far fewer married students. Furthermore in its use of a manner of naming now rarely seen outside of wedding invitations, it leaves the officers’ first names lost to history, or at least requiring some serious Google sleuthing to determine.
“The Medical Student Wives Club of the U. C. Medical Center will hold its annual Welcoming Tea and first meeting of the year on Saturday, September 26 in the Faculty Lounge of Millberry Union. Events will begin at 1:00 p.m.—with a tour for new student wives—of medical school facilities during which they will be met and welcomed by Dan of the Medical School, Dr. Wm. O. Reinhardt. . . .
“New officers of MSW…are Mrs. Lawrence W. Jones, President and Mmes. E.H. Epstein, Vice-President; Lyle J. Strand, Recording Secretary; Robert L. Roe, Corresponding Secretary; and John A. Jones, Treasurer.
“. . . . Events for the coming year will feature a series of speakers from fields of education, politics, business and other professions, a dinner-dance, volunteer services at Moffitt Hospital in December, the annual spring fashion show, and many other events scheduled for discussion at the first meeting.”
From 20 years ago:
Vol. 39, No. 3, Sept. 22, 1994:
The structure of the first floor of the Medical Sciences Building may seem immemorial to UCSF students, a feature of the building since its original construction. In truth, its open staircase that cuts back as it leads to Saunders Court and its square array emerged during a remodel completed 20 years ago, as reported in “Education Center ready for business” by Doug Wong.
Much resulting from that remodel remains, including the large open Nursing Building lobby. The “37-inch high-resolution Mitsubishi television monitors which are Sun Microsystem, Macintosh and SVGA-compatible with 9 and 15-pin connections” found in each classroom are, alas, are no longer with us. But there are still no windows, so at least we have that.