Starting A Conversation

Monday, September 21, 2020

It’s nine months into 2020.

Months have passed since the start of COVID-19 pandemic, which rapidly shifted almost everything in life virtual.

Even though COVID continues to pose unprecedented and unexpected challenges to the UCSF and the global community, we’ve adjusted to the situation we find ourselves in – “the new normal.”

Maybe not perfectly, but we are constantly adapting.

During these uncertain times, Synapse strives to ensure communication, bringing relatable stories to our readers, fostering a sense of community, and igniting conversations on current world affairs, emerging research, and issues impacting UCSF students.

Our first newsletter released last week touched on the social justice movements that resurfaced over the past few months.

These articles reflect the changes that our world is experiencing, and we hope that you will continue to stay connected and engage with current issues through Synapse.

While we want to ensure that stories of interest and impact to the UCSF community are reaching our readers, we’d love to hear from you.

Whether you have a question, want to provide feedback, or pitch a story idea, reach out to us at or drop by our bi-weekly meetings.

Moreover, join our team! Synapse truly is an open platform for you, as a UCSF student, to share your stories, experiences, and opinions freely and welcomes writers, photographers, and illustrators alike to contribute.

We look forward to hearing from you, as a reader or a contributor, as we navigate the “new normal” and the challenges and opportunities we may encounter.

Welcome back to campus, and stay safe and healthy!