Best of the Storytelling Contest Shadowing a Healing Symphony Surgery — one of the three primary treatment options for cancer, alongside radiation and chemotherapy — had always been a theoretical concept for me, something I had only watched in videos or learned about in papers. February 4, 2025 Saffanat Sumra Student Life
Running to Fort Point November 28, 2023Jessica CrockettI became a runner during my clinical rotations of medical school. When my days overflowed with meaning. So much to... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Six Days in San Quentin November 28, 2023Synapse[Originally authored by medical student Eric Chow and published in Synapse on November 20, 1998.] After a five-minute walk, I... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: November Traditions November 14, 2023Synapse[Originally authored by medical student Ashkay Govinder and published on Nov. 15, 2012.] I love cooking a traditional Thanksgiving meal... Student Life
How Are You? November 7, 2023Sophie ZhangA question meant only as a greeting. A chance at connection diminished to a mere formality. In what public health... Student Life
salt November 7, 2023Cassidy Phammomma made the best baked fish in the world. dad fed us stories. Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Practicing Medicine Under Hardship October 31, 2023Synapse[Originally written by medical student Amy Ewing and published in Synapse on Nov. 6, 1997.] Last year I arranged to... Student Life
My First Patient October 24, 2023Paul Brandfonbrener[Second place winner in the Synapse Storytelling Contest poetry category.] You told me you wanted to kill yourself, to drown... Student Life
Loneliness in the Laboratory September 26, 2023Apisit KaewsanitOnce upon a time, in the bustling metropolis of Urbanville, there lived a remarkable young man named Mike. Student Life
All It Takes is a Walk with Kali: Irular Sunrise Snake Walk Experience September 19, 2023Lily OrtizOn the day of the snake walk, I was up before the sun preparing myself and a bag full of... Student Life