Time-Traveling Action Film is Daring and Measured
Writer-director Rian Johnson’s Looper is one of the most entertaining films I’ve seen in recent memory, and more than delivered...
Critical Mass Turns 20
Love it or hate it, Critical Mass has become a San Francisco institution and has forever changed the role of...
October is Diversity Month at UCSF
Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann has designated the month of October “Diversity Month” at UCSF, with this year’s theme being “Building Community...
Weaving History into the Teaching of Medicine
Recently I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Victoria Sweet, former PhD graduate student in the history of medicine in...
UCSF Offers Free Flu Shots to Staff, Students, and Volunteers
It is time once again for Occupational Health Service’s annual flu shot clinics. From Monday, October 1 through Wednesday, October...