Alle Farben des Schnees (All the Colors of Snow) February 4, 2025Ziqian FengSnow is falling today and I hugged goodbye to my best friend at the Z. train station 10.32 departing from... Nature
Shadowing a Healing Symphony February 4, 2025Saffanat SumraSurgery — one of the three primary treatment options for cancer, alongside radiation and chemotherapy — had always been a... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Celebrating the Year of the Snake February 4, 2025Synapse[Originally published in on February 7, 2013.] Welcome to the Year of the Snake! Snake is the yin to last... Arts & Culture
The Selfish Case for Supporting Ukraine January 28, 2025Drew DespereauxWe are in the third year of the three-day Russian “military exercise” into Ukraine, and with the incoming American political... Opinion
Vernal Falls January 28, 2025Nick FiorentinoHave you ever noticed how a waterfall falls? Spirits of glacial spittle traverse towards the earth at different rates. Health
This Date in UCSF History: A Case For Care January 28, 2025Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on January 29, 2004.] A critically ill man who is infected with TB sits at home... Politics
I Am January 21, 2025Medical StudentsI am my mother; A distant land; I am my father; Shouldering the burden of hope Social Justice
Ecological Disaster in LA Highlights Indigenous Firekeeping January 21, 2025Giselle Pérez-AguilarAfter a decade of moving between the Bay Area, the Midwest, and Mexico, in August of last year, I finally... Social Justice
Civil Disobedience: The New Hippocratic Oath January 21, 2025Abu TahaIn his essay “ Resistance to Civil Government, or Civil Disobedience,” Henry David Thoreau writes: “Can there not be a... Opinion
This Date in UCSF History: Paving the Way for President Obama January 21, 2025Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on January 22, 2009.] The chain of events that began on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama... Politics
A Bedside Revolution: POCUS Training at UCSF January 14, 2025Jashdeep Singh DhillonIn the quiet uncertainty of an emergency department, a woman in gut-wrenching pain arrives, unable to catch a breath. Within... Academic
On the differential January 14, 2025Sohini HalderI am a young woman On oral contraceptives And ripe for endothelial injury: I am afflicted with clumsiness Health
The Gift December 17, 2024Ziqian FengThank you for your trust So when all is quiet I have the strength to hold still Student Life
A Haunting Story of Nature December 17, 2024Cindy OwThe idea of good and evil is pervasive in most of society. From fairy tales to modern day media, we... Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: On Patriotism December 17, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on December 15, 1965.] So much has been said about patriotism lately that your editor was... Politics