Expiry Dates February 6, 2024Siddharthasiva Anbu Rajan“So, do you think that thoughts die like how living things do?” asked the Boy. The Man that faced him... Philosophy
Fast or Slow February 6, 2024Richa SinghaniaIn the middle of the crowded highways Looking at the busy fast vehicles I think Nobody seems to care for... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Clean Needle Conflict February 6, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on February 5, 1987.] As intravenous drug use receives more attention as a factor in the... Health
Decolonizing Global Health: The Urgent Need for Diverse Authorship January 30, 2024Maddie WongOriginally a method through which European colonizers exerted power over the colonized, the field of global health has taken different... Social Justice
This Date in UCSF History: A Winning Candidate? January 30, 2024Synapse[Originally published on March 1, 2012.] Anyone following the GOP Presidential primaries would agree that the story line thus far... Politics
Empowering ImmunoX January 30, 2024Nikhita KirthivasanWhat does the Barbie World and immune cells have in common? Plenty if you ask this year’s organizers of the... Academic
Women and Pain: A Case for Compassion in Medicine January 23, 2024Sara MalakzayCountless women are often told the pain will be “just a pinch” on the day of their Inter-Uterine Device (IUD)... Social Justice
Candle Man January 23, 2024Nick FiorentinoHis opulent flame burns with an optimistic flow, spurs pirouetting memories in a room that’s dim; Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: Whistleblower Describes Tragic ‘Study’ January 23, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on Jan. 20, 1994.] In a Jan. 12 talk at UCSF, Peter Buxton described his efforts... Social Justice
Tale of First Day in Lab Rotations: Navigating Pipettes and Lost Washrooms January 16, 2024Science Giggle WriterIt is that time of the year again. The holidays are done. Everyone is returned from visiting family and friends. Humor
Nudity and Clothing in Monkeys, Scientists and Vaccines: What it Reveals and What it Hides January 16, 2024Bri MatusovskyWhy is the Western scientist always clothed? What would happen if science was conducted, metaphorically, in the nude? Thinking through... Science
the mermaiden January 16, 2024Cassidy Phammy roses are yellow, as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden, Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: Should Mental Health Patients Have Right to Refuse Treatment? January 16, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on January 19, 1978.] Do mental patients check their constitutional rights at the hospital door? Do... Law
That Magical Allure of a New Year January 9, 2024Siddharthasiva Anbu RajanWith five minutes left for the clock to strike 12, I was standing on the roof of my building looking... Opinion
Life's No Less Than 32 January 9, 2024Vishakha MalhotraLately I've been relating life to dentistry and I don't find much difference between the two. Student Life