Innocence Up in Smoke September 24, 2024Meredith Klashman[First place winner in the Synapse Storytelling Contest nonfiction category.] The morning of October 17, the soft blue light of... Student Life
This Date in UCSF History: Student-Teachers Demand Full Employee Rights September 24, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on September 22, 1988.] Our colleges and universities have come under highly critical consideration of late... Opinion
Trauma Junkie September 17, 2024Maxine Collard[ First place winner in the Synapse Storytelling Contest for Fiction.] It’s Christmastime, and over the hills, in the faraway... Fiction
The Ethics of Patient Autonomy: Where Do We Draw the Line? September 17, 2024Hasini NamalaAt the age of thirteen, my genetic disorder caused my growth to accelerate, leading to an unusually tall stature. My... Ethics
This Date in UCSF History: Split from Weapons Lab September 17, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on September 24, 1987.] On Sept. 12, the University of California Student Association voted overwhelmingly to... Opinion
Lovely, Dark and Deep: Storytelling Contest Winners Offer Array of Talent September 10, 2024SynapseThe 2024 Synapse Storytelling Contest submissions surpassed all expectations — from gorgeous landscape photography to heartrending personal essays, from campy...
This Date in UCSF History: A Night at the Opera September 10, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on Sept. 14, 1989.] Friday evening Sept. 8 was opening night at the San Francisco Opera... Opinion
U Can Stay Feigning — A Tale of Repression and Hypocrisy at UCSF September 10, 2024WCNSF — Would you be able to guess what this medical acronym stands for? As healthcare profession trainees, weencounter hundreds... Opinion
All In a Day’s Work September 10, 2024Julianne RiggsOkay, here I am. I’m at my desk. Just me and my trusty little laptop. Posture is good, lighting is... Student Life
The Magic of Language Understanding Wins Grad Slam May 28, 2024Francesco Dalla RiccaHow does your brain interpret different sounds as distinct words, instead of a singular mess of phonetics? This was the... News
Why Tattoos Stay Put May 28, 2024Julianne RiggsAfter years of internal debate, I finally got my first tattoo. He’s a small lizard, with a topological map design... Science
This Date in UCSF History: Middle Eastern Scientists Build Bridges May 28, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on May 28, 1999.] Five months ago, the Alliance of Middle Eastern Scientists and Physicians was... Politics
Untethered Hate May 21, 2024Siddharthasiva Anbu RajanEven the most callous version of me is not entirely comfortable with using the word “hate” in a mundane setting... Philosophy
This Date in UCSF History: Student Health Insurance Hiked May 21, 2024Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on May 23, 2013.] Student health insurance premiums will increase $565, or 20.4 percent, next year... Finance
Students Confounded by Sudden Change in Healthcare Provider Service May 21, 2024Cindy OwLast February, UCSF students received emails about their health coverage that left them stunned, and raised more questions than answers. News