Valentine's Day Messages of Love

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Dear Kenyeah Ladies,

I love y'all! Thanks for making me come here



Dearest Lisa,

Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF

All my base
Are belong to you

Your Valentine


Dear Alekist,

You are the most genuine and caring person I've ever met. I'm so lucky to be your friend.

-A Friend



You make this whole med school thing worth it. Well, you and Helga and Olga.



Dear Leslie,

Your intellect, your enthusiastic utterances, your concise and interactive presentations. You are the reason I come to lecture every day.



I'm in love with the passion in your eyes and the motivation in your soul that wakes you in the morning, though the work we are preparing for is so daunting.

Keep moving forward because each day you inspire me and I am grateful for you.




After five (ish) years, I still get giggly when you look at me. Every moment with you is so precious — I can't wait for a time when I get to wake up every day next to you. I love you.


My agonist,

Your perfect structure turns me on! So, bind with me?

<3 Your Receptor


To My lovely family back in Korea and LA (and Happy)

Wish you all a Happy Valentines day! Let’s power through 2014! Hwaiting!


To Yuumi Miyazawa (P2)

It's our 2nd Valentine's Day together! Happy Happy :D


Dear new friend, 

I think you are tots adorbs. 


Dear Elizabeth,

Five years later and it still feels like not a day has passed.
Through our ups and our downs, I know that you and I shall forever last.
Your beauty radiates like the sun through your heart-warming smile.
Your laugh, your touch, and your embrace make it all worthwhile.
And since I can't think of a sappier way for this poem to end,
Will you please be my Valentine (again, again, and again)?



You asked me if I’d ever written about you, and I said no. I should have added that it’s because I never write about things that make me happy.