Batteries September 20, 2021Ninad BhatNinad Bhat’s “Batteries” is the winner of the Synapse Storytelling Contest Creative Writing category. The poem introduces an everyday, offhand... Arts & Culture
Upholding Haitian Dignity: On Briefly Contextualizing the Ongoing Crisis in Haiti, Part Two September 19, 2021Woodger FaugasHaving detailed, in Part One, major events that led to Haiti’s founding, this section, or Part Two, traces how Haiti... News
[This Date in UCSF History] Socialized Medicine is Respectable in Norway, the UK September 19, 2021SynapseOriginally published on September 22, 1994. This author, a graduate student who works for the Department of Otolaryngology in the... Social Justice
Welcome Back September 13, 2021Victoria TurnerWelcome to the start of a new academic year and Synapse’s 66th year of publication. As 2021 has transported us...
Honoring Creative Talent at UCSF September 11, 2021SynapseThe results are in! Our judges have awarded the 12 best submissions to the Synapse Storytelling Contest by talented UCSF... Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: Minority Enrollees Climb Dramatically September 11, 2021SynapseOriginally published on September 14, 1986. In a dramatic reversal of last year’s disappointing showing, the School of Medicine enrolled... Academic
Upholding Haitian Dignity: On Briefly Contextualizing the Ongoing Crisis in Haiti, Part Three September 5, 2021Woodger FaugasThese events helped create a frame of reference from which Haiti’s ongoing political crisis, as signaled by late President Jovenel... News
Upholding Haitian Dignity: On Briefly Contextualizing The Ongoing Crisis in Haiti, Part One July 27, 2021Woodger FaugasDuring the wee hours of June 7, 2021, Haiti’s 58th president, Jovenel Moïse, a 53-year-old father of three, two sons... News
9 minutes and 29 seconds May 29, 2021Wynton SimsUnder the weight of one man 9 minutes and 29 seconds An atrocity that many of us claimed to not... Social Justice
That’s a (Bubble) Wrap! May 29, 2021Victoria TurnerAs we wrap up the 65th year of Synapse’s publication, I’m reminded that in 2019, we were preoccupied with fake... Student Life
Expand Your Horizons May 29, 2021Jihee YoonAcademia isn’t the only answer to a career path after PhD, though it may be the most typical one that... Career
This Date in UCSF History: Campus Group Organizes for Civil Rights Protection May 27, 2021Synapse[Originally published on May 27, 1966.] The Committee for Independent Political Action, a recognized on-campus political organization, has announced plans... Social Justice
Get Grounded in the Great Outdoors May 21, 2021Victoria TurnerWhile 2021 may seem in some ways like a slow-motion repeat of 2020, nature and the outdoors may help anchor...
Building a Dream Team May 21, 2021Emily Vivian Huang[This is the final part of a three-part series on the California Rescue Dog Association.] A dog is only half...
This Date in UCSF History: Crisis Pregnancy Centers Push Anti-Choice Ideals May 21, 2021Synapse[Originally published in Synapse on May 25, 2006.] A young woman meaning to visit a Planned Parenthood clinic unwittingly entered... Health