Ain't No Fish October 12, 2019Jeremie JoffreSunday morning in Monterey Bay, no tail tip on the horizon so far. The conversation was about transgenic zebra fishes... Arts & Culture
Transcardial Perfusion October 12, 2019Matthew KlopeI wonder where you were While you sat watching your hands work away at their terrible task While you sat... Arts & Culture
This Date in UCSF History: Targeting Guns October 12, 2019SynapseOriginally published in Synapse - The UCSF student newspaper on October 12, 2000. Guns in the household are 22 times...
Share Your Passion For Science October 10, 2019SynapseVolunteer in K-12 classrooms and share your enthusiasm about science with students in San Francisco!The Science and Health Education Partnership...
Makers Lab Art Show Celebrates Creativity October 8, 2019Jihee YoonMark Wooding, a videographer for the School of Medicine, stands at a whiteboard demonstrating animations at the Art Show. “I... News
Vote For Your DA October 7, 2019Ariane PanzerFor the first time in over 100 years the seat for the San Francisco district attorney (DA) is open, and... Opinion
This Date in UCSF History: Doctors Cry Foul October 3, 2019SynapseOriginally published in Synapse — The UCSF Student Newspaper on October 9, 1980. In San Francisco there is one physician... News
In Solidarity with Global Youth Climate Strike: Medical Students Take Action September 30, 2019Sarah SchearOn Friday Sept. 20, millions of students worldwide went on strike from school to demand swift action on climate change... News
From One-eyed Sheep to Anti-Cancer Drugs: The Story that Stole the Postdoc Slam September 29, 2019Laura RambaranA fascinating story about how a one-eyed sheep and an atypical photo-bomb earned a UCSF postdoc top honors at the... Academic
Protestors Win September 26, 2019Matthew KlopeFollowing weeks of public outcry against the abrupt cancellation of the US Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) medical deferred action... News
The First Time September 21, 2019Sikai SongEditor's note: Sikai Song's "The First Time" is the first place winner of the Synapse Storytelling Contest's personal essay category... Student Life
Elderly Suicide: The Forgotten Crisis September 20, 2019Genesis VasconezElderly people kill themselves too. You wouldn’t think so if you did a quick search for the word “elderly” in... Opinion
This Date in UCSF History: Hospital rules relax with Reagan September 20, 2019SynapseOriginally published on Sept. 23, 1982. New rules devised for hospitals by the Reagan administration would “relax or repeal” many... News
Machine Learning Used to Predict Lab Results September 16, 2019Jason HomAt academic medical centers, start-ups and established technology companies, the application of machine learning models toward analyzing healthcare data is... News
UCSF Patient, Advocates Speak Out Against Immigrant Patient Deportation Before Congress September 12, 2019Matthew KlopeUCSF immigrant patients, advocates, and health providers travelled to Capitol Hill on Sept. 11 to join others who were speaking... News