Synapse Blossoms this Spring
As an eternal optimist, I’m pleased as editor in chief to report on Synapse’s progress over the previous quarter as...
Late Night Cravings
As much as food is the purpose of life, it is the bane of my existence at UCSF. We who...
Plan Your Future
For UCSF graduate students, the question “What do you want to do after you graduate?” is not a simple one...
The Closest Thing UCSF Has to a Football Game: Students compete in Grad Slam
Over a hundred people squeezed into a packed auditorium Thursday, for what has been called “the closest thing UCSF has...
Good Intentions Can't Hide Bad Science
It's bad when a philanthropic organization uses bad science to justify their means, but it's dangerous when bad science misdirects...
Ready to Meet Your Match?
Match Day is the culmination of the long residency application process that fourth year medical students (MS4s) began last September...
Humans of UCSF: New Chapter, New Self
“Even though UCSF was my first choice for medical school, the decision to come here was a difficult one. I...
Muni Money, Maybe?
It is without a doubt that paying rent in San Francisco is one of the most insane things a graduate...
Genome Editing Opens Brave New World
From Brave New World to Gattaca, the repercussions of gaining genetic control over people’s traits has constantly preoccupied science fiction...
Humans of UCSF: Naturally Inspired
“Becoming more aware and appreciative of the beauty in nature has been one of my favorite things about moving to...